Tuesday, December 4, 2012

On Awakening

Hello beautiful ones! It has been quite some time since I have chosen to share my thoughts and ideas through this format.  I actually thought about starting over completely, and creating a whole new blog.  After thinking about this though, I am aware of the value of some the old posts as a reminder of how far I have come, and how far we all have come on our journeys of awakening and remembrance. I also know that there are inspirations and wisdom contained in past writings and ramblings, so I choose to share it all.

We are all being called to share it all, in a multitude of ways.  We are being called forward into complete authenticity, and a willingness to be vulnerable living fulling from the beautiful wisdom of the heart.  This awareness at the heart of our individual paths to Awaken from the illusions of separation, and all of the related violence and suffering that has resulted over the course of our planet's history. It is time now.  We can no longer remain complacent to our deep inner truths, as the entire plant and universe is helping facilitate all of us toward remembering the long hidden truths of our own divinity and connectedness to all that is.

The more we surrender to the process while staying in awareness, the greater ease we can experience through what for many may seem quite chaotic and scary.  In truth there is nothing to fear, all is well.  We are collectively moving toward a relaty of limitless possibility, expansion, and love! As this all unfolds, it is apparent that those who are interested in control, fear mongering, and separation are pulling out all the stops to keep this planetary awakening from occurring, however, these efforts are in vain.  We have already reached a critical mass, and it is happening now. The whole planet is ascending into higher and higher vibrational resonances, and more and more people are choosing consciousness over fear.  How exciting is that? We really have much to celebrate as we near the end of this pivotal year, and I am so glad to be on the planet at this amazing and blessed time.  Love and hugs to all of you!


Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Art of Allowing

"Through allowing, you become what you are; vast, spacious. You become whole. You are not a fragment anymore, which is how the ego perceives itself. Your true nature emerges, which is one with the nature of God." ~Eckhart Tolle

When I get laser focused on a goal and everything it takes to bring that goal into physical manifestation, I sometimes forget the most important and powerful part of the manifestation and creative process - Allowing. The art of allowing is a fairly simple concept, but oh so difficult to master. This morning as I am reflecting on exactly what it means to allow, I have found my sometimes circular thoughts leading me back to an important realization. If I am trying to force or push against ANYTHING to make it happen, I am not allowing and I am most definitely blocking the creative process of the universe.

So how do you detach enough from something you want really badly, in order to create the space to allow it to come into your experience? That is much easier in theory than practice, but it is possible with some self-awareness and reflection. For me this is largely based on trust and experience. In my past experiences, I can recall several instances where I was successfully able to detach enough to allow, and the results that occurred in relation to my goal or desire have often been more magnificent than I could have imagined. In my mind and heart I believe that the universe is always striving to deliver our dreams to us in ways that are most beneficial for our growth and expansion. There are those parts of me though, (ego perhaps), that like to plant seeds of doubt and mistrust, in order to cling onto my desires and goals and attempt to control that which is truly beyond my direct control.

Many of us have heard of different strategies to help us step into a space of allowing, such as picturing the outcome you want to manifest in your life whenever you catch yourself feeling doubt and worry. This is a fantastic starting point, but I think that faith and patience are also key to the practice of allowing. When you find yourself pushing up against something that is currently a part of your experience, take a step back and acknowledge what is. Instead of jumping in right away and trying to change it, allow yourself the space to be quiet. Creating this space and allowing things to be as they are, will allow the most perfect guidance to come through for you. Allow yourself to be guided by the universe, and you will know what it is you need to do to move towards what you do want to create. Sometimes there is nothing to do, and creating the space of allowing is all it takes to bring your desires into perfect manifestation.

Here is a quote that I found that sums this up very well: "The deeper aspect of allowing has to do with trusting, being patient and having faith that what you want to manifest, create and experience can and will show up in your life as it is meant to. In other words, it's an ability to allow things to happen and materialize, without you having to manipulate, dominate or control other people or situations to make them happen. If you have a tendency to be a control-freak at times, this can be incredibly challenging." ~Mike Robbins

How will you practice allowing in your life today? Where are you not allowing?

~Love and Blessings

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Nurture Your Spirit

Here I am back again to post. I apologize for my extended absence, and look forward to posting more frequently.

Today, I have been thinking a lot about what holds people back from aligning to their highest path and purpose, and keeps people stuck in situations that don't necessarily serve their highest good. While reflecting on this, I came across a piece of channeled writing about self-care and healing, that came through my guides more than a year ago. I thought it was very relevant and would love to share it.

(I received this on March 12, 2009 and have edited it a bit for clarity as the guidance came through so fast I was unable to type in complete sentences.)

Your deepest desires are to feel free to live with beauty and grace….giving love while loving yourself in tune with the Truth of your Being. How do you incorporate this vision into your daily experience? There are many paths to accomplish this. Begin with awareness and being in tune to the present moment. As the veils between worlds begin to thin, through the intention of presence, you will see the sacred that lies in what you may have previously considered to be the mundane. Healing your relationship with Self is where you must start. Proceed to heal your relationships and forgive those who you have not yet been able to forgive. In this forgiveness and self-love, lies your redemption.

It is so important to heal the self before you can truly assist others. Know that in giving to others you will meet yourself over and over again, and this provides a divine opportunity for Soul growth. Please never deny yourself though, or put your desires to assist others ahead of your own healing and wholeness. It is not noble to deny yourself to help another for we are all One. If you deny your Truth you cannot truly assist another. In giving to yourself, you give to All, and have a greater reservoir of which to draw from in order to gift others with inspiration and love.

When you are in the valleys of your life, remember that inevitably there will be a vista ahead to climb. This does not have to be wrought with struggle or drama, if you surrender to the natural ebb and flow of your experience. Be grateful for all parts of the journey and allow yourself to flow with the natural cycles of life and learning. Savor your experiences and allow them to propel you forward into the full expression of your Being. Taste the intricate flavors of each new experience and feel the complexities of the flavors swirl around on your tongue. Each new taste offers the inspiration for a recipe to share with those that you intend to serve. Pour your Whole Self into all that you will do and you will find an richness you have never imagined.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Moving beyond Ego...

When we think of ego in ourselves or other people we often focus on how we view ourselves as superior or better than other people. I think that few people realize that we we judge ourselves to be less-than, or inferior to anyone else that is also our ego at work. In fact virtually ALL of our judgements about ourselves or anyone else come directly from the ego.

In order to transcend the ego, we need to realize and recognize all of the insidious ways our egos show up in our lives. When you begin to do this you will realize the magnificence of your Light, and have a much easier time seeing that light in others, without the fear and judgement that many of us experience in new situations when we are stepping out of our comfort zones.

How has your ego stopped you from showing up in your life in the ways you want to show up? Where have you judged yourself to be inferior or unworthy? You are a beautiful manifestation of God -- learn to embrace yourself with compassion and acceptance so you can inspire others to do the same.

More on the Shadow...

Even though my last blog entry was posted over a month ago, I wanted to add a quick addition, because the theme of confronting and embracing our "shadow selves" was poignant for me yesterday as I watched the movie "The Shadow Effect". There is so much power in having the courage to embrace all of the parts of our experience and personality, especially those parts we judge to be bad or unacceptable. As we each embrace and confront our shadow selves we allow our light to shine through and make the world a better place. Compassion and forgiveness are gifts we give ourselves and the rest of the world...

Sending Love to All of You...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Peeling Back the Layers...

“Confront the dark parts of yourself, and work to banish them with illumination and forgiveness. Your willingness to wrestle with your demons will cause your angels to sing. Use the pain as fuel, as a reminder of your strength.” ~August Wilson

I have been consciously working on examining my own areas of darkness and embracing them so they can be transmuted and transformed, but it has not been an easy road. When I am peeling back the layers of pain or darkness, I realize that as I consciously clear, I discover new layers underneath that still need healing. This can be frustrating for me, but as tough as it is the rewards and benefits of this type of self-examination and conscious healing has brought me so many benefits, and has enhanced and deepened my own spiritual path and practices. In finding compassion for myself, I find it so much easier to look at others through the lens of compassion and love, and I find it much easier to be present more of the time as I reach deeper and deeper within myself -- clearing all that no longer serves me.

It takes a lot of courage to be able to look at our dark spaces and embrace them, so they can be transformed. Often, it is more challenging to take full responsibility for our lives, our thoughts, and ultimately what we create in our lives resulting from our thoughts and choices, than it is to remain passive or a "victim of our circumstances". But in remaining passive, and not fully owning our emotions and dark spaces, we give away all of our power, and surrender our Divine roles as conscious co-creators with God.

Even when it feels as if we are going backwards, or repeating old patterns, we have an amazing opportunity to become present with our feelings and patterns -- observing them in a new way so we can clear space for new understandings to come into our lives.

Ultimately, all the challenges we face, serve to make us stronger and provide the contrast that is necessary for our own soul growth, so that we all can fully realize the Truth of our own Divinity and experience ourselves as One with God and all of Creation.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Getting in the Flow...

In the past week, I have found myself coming up against some resistance and feeling like I am pushing to make things happen instead of just allowing and being in the place I call "the flow"-- where things seem to happen easily and in the perfect timing of the Universe. Through this contrast of not being in the flow, I have been given the opportunity to contemplate the sacredness and beauty that I feel when I am in a state of allowing and acceptance, versus struggle and resistance.

When I allow myself to stay connected into the flow and the infinite wisdom of Source, everything in my life seems to happen effortlessly: The right people show up exactly when I need them, and circumstances seem to line up in the most perfect way.

Staying in this place of allowing is like a dance for me -- Sometimes I lose the rhythm or find myself off balance, but I am always amazed at the ease with which I can enter into the dance again, picking up right where I left off. The more I practice consciously participating in the dance of allowing, the more I realize I am being led by the magnificent song of Creation and I find even greater trust in the wisdom of the process.

I express my deepest gratitude for the contrast which allows me to understand the process of conscious creation, and revel in the connectedness I feel when I allow Life to flow through me with ease. Where are you coming up against resistance in your life? What can you do today to get into the sacred state of allowing and flow?

Blessings of Love and Peace,

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